NH4VO3 is generally known as ammonium metavanadate. It is found in crystalline powdered form and generally appears in white color. It is partially soluble in the water and also denser in comparison to water. This compound get decomposes when you burn it at 410 degrees F. It may release some kind of toxic fumes but it partially toxic.
Basically, ammonium metavanadate is a noncombustible substance that doesn’t catch fire or can be burned. Instead, it can be heated for the decomposition. Generally, when this compound gets in contact with flammable oxygen, this compound will produce by-products. Thus, the container that carries such compound may get exploded when it is heated. Due to this, it may produce toxic fumes and can lead to environmental pollution. Always make sure that all the substances that contain ammonia metavanadate into any moisture free area as it is very sensitive to the moisture.
Use of ammonium metavanadate
This substance comes is used in ceramic industry for glazing and coloring. It is used in display screens as a light additive substance. Along with these, it is widely used in inks, paints or dyes and work as a dryer. When you heat ammonium metavanadate then you can also notice the loss of ammonia.
About NAVO3
NaVO3 is commonly known as sodium metavanadate. It is basically an inorganic compound and comes generally as a yellow crystalline substance. In water, it can be soluble because of its higher density and it is also hygroscopic in nature. This compound is a basic one that only reacts in acidic solutions and aqueous mixtures.
Use of sodium metavanadate
This compound proves to be very beneficial for many different medical conditions. That’s why this compound is highly used in manufacturing medicines for high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, tuberculosis, water retention and syphilis. The dosage of medicines containing this compound depends upon the medical conditions of the individuals.