You don’t have to be an I.T. literate jargon obsessed expert with degrees to add content to your website. Wysi have done all the hard work for you so that working with your website is as easy as typing an e-mail. No really – it is! We’ve built ours so you cannot break code when editing content, unlike so many Content Management Systems we could mention (but won’t!).
Regarding jargon, we know techno-speak can seem like a foreign language so we talk to our clients in English, using effective, simple and informative words. Unfortunately, we have met experts who seem to be so wrapped up in the jargon that they don’t remember to talk like an educated but friendly “human being”; it’s almost as though because they are experts they need to be seen as geniuses to mystify the client. Wysi’s experts know the jargon but we don’t massage our egos by using it and confusing clients! We prefer Plain English and we know our clients appreciate that.
From the I.T. and user experience perspective we have, as we mentioned, taken away the dread there too. We use Siteglide for 99% of our websites which is Adobe-backed; we host with Amazon Web Services for speed and exceptional reliability.
We appreciate that learning a new package can be time consuming and prohibitive so any updates, edits, content management and page creation across the entire website can be carried out with a Microsoft Word reminiscent tool. (Basically, if you can use Word you can use Siteglide.)
With our Berkshire marketing agency experience we know that the ability to remove data is as important as adding content so a clever but simple to use tool is provided, the page won’t be deleted so if it’s needed in the future it’s in the archive. No need for a retype. Perfect!
As a Berkshire SEO and digital agency we have seen several examples of content management systems that are excellent for blog or the basic style of webpage alterations but fall short on user experience for the rest of the website. Again, is this another sign from the creating firm that they are the genius’ and that you’re meant to find it difficult to work with it minus degree level understanding?
Wysi have twenty years experience and that’s why we make it easy for you, the end user, to manage the site and take responsibility for its continued rejuvenation via simple data inputting that takes just a few minutes. We haven’t become a top rated Berkshire SEO and digital marketing agency by ignoring customer needs and neglecting to listen to feedback.
It should also be noted that we give full demonstrations of the system and how it can be managed but we appreciate that there are many calls on attention within the workplace so we want to reassure you that if you don’t remember the “how to” or need advice in the future we don’t groan, shake our heads and sigh we positively respond because we want to help you achieve everything that you wish to.
Clear, concise, cheerful and co-operative. The Wysi SEO Berkshire team are customer focused, friendly and we have no problem with talking and working with you. It’s our raison d’être.
Wysi of Berkshire are a full service digital agency specialising in high quality websites for SMEs, digital marketing and bespoke database solutions. We are based near Reading and serve the whole of the UK