3 Online Romance Scams for Singles to Watch Out For

Scam artists have never been shy about preying on people’s vulnerabilities. Although some singles are perfectly content with being alone, others long for the closeness and security of a committed relationship. Fully aware of this, cybercriminals consistently target lonely singles and toy with their emotions for the purpose of financial gain. Romance-oriented cons are nothing new, but thanks to the seemingly endless array of targets the internet offers, they’ve become far more prevalent in the digital age. To ensure that an online huckster never gets the key to your heart, keep an eye out for the following romance scams.

  1. Random Emails

Although modern-day spam filters are very adept at separating fraudulent emails from legitimate ones, a few scammers are bound to slip through the cracks. If you’re contacted out of the blue by a stranger who purports to have fallen madly in love with you, odds are you’re dealing with a scam artist. The exact content of these emails varies, but they typically involve someone claiming to have fallen head-over-heels after stumbling upon one of your social media accounts. In some instances, the sender will purport to have seen an account on a social media platform you don’t even belong to. More often than not, these messages contain links to fake social media pages that are rife with stolen images and vague, nonsensical posts. Fortunately, these emails are often feature strange formatting and broken English, making them easy to recognize for the scams they are.   

  1. Social Media Messages

Some scammers prefer to bypass the email route, opting instead for social media-based communication. However, their methods on social media are nearly identical to their favorite email tactics. A typical set-up involves you receiving a follow or friend request from someone you don’t know. There’s nothing inherently unusual about this on platforms like Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, but on a more personalized site like Facebook, this should give you pause. Should you accept the request or follow the person back, they will begin sending you private messages in which they express a romantic interest in you. If you prove receptive, they will continue messaging you on a consistent basis before eventually requesting that you send them money. With this mind, take care to examine a person’s profile before following them on social media. Scammers’ profiles are often filled with obviously stolen images and posts that are completely lacking in substance or coherence.

  1. Targeted Attack

Unfortunately, not all online scammers are easy to spot. Although many scam artists practically telegraph their impropriety, others put genuine time and effort into their attacks. If a scammer is able to collect personal information on you, they can alter their methods in a manner that causes you to drop your guard down and place your trust in them. There are numerous ways cybercriminals can get their hands on your data, with public social media profiles being among their favorite tools. Dedicated scammers can also learn more about you by hacking into your devices via malicious software – which you can avoid by not clicking on suspicions links or downloading questionable attachments. Website owners who are determined to protect users and keep malware off their sites can find important answers by reading a SiteLock review. A declaration of love from someone you’ve never met should always be regarded with suspicion, regardless of how compatible the person may seem. This isn’t to say that people can’t find love online, but if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.  

As the adage goes, “No person is an island.” Wanting to connect with other people and feel valued is basic human nature. Unfortunately, the web is home to droves of disreputable characters who are more than willing to take advantage of this. For some singles, not having a partner is a constant source of frustration and depression. As such, receiving a declaration of love from an intriguing stranger on the web can seem like an attractive prospect. When navigating the online romance scene, it’s important to stay on guard for the scams discussed above. In addition to saving you a great deal of time and money, this can prevent you from having your heart broken by a con artist.

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